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New Bridge Threatens Kalimantan's Mangroves, Reefs
By Matt J. Weiss, January 4, 2010 @ 02:48 PM (EST)
Source: Mongabay.com
Balikpapan Bay is in East Kalimantan (Kalimantan is the Indonesian portion of Borneo) and is home to an array of diverse ecosystems, including rainforest, mangroves and coral reefs.  

As you may know, Borneo's natural treasures have been under attack from human's wishing to exploit them. Even though I have never been to Kalimantan, I have a special place in my heart for Borneo, and that is why news a of bridge that would threaten the habitats and inhabitants of Balikpapan Bay  really bothers me.

Apparently the direct impacts of the bridge will be severe deforestation that would split the mangroves from the rainforest and cause damage to the reefs. Additionally, a bridge provides uncontrollable access to the mangroves and forests which, as history has shown, usually leads to their destruction.

Deforestation and loss of mangroves will negatively effect the ocean life, which includes dugongs that feed on the areas sea grass, saltwater crocodiles, and the rare Irrawaddy dolphin.  Let's hope people come to their senses and we never see this bridge!



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