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New Book: “Underwater Museums” by Brandi Mueller
By DPG Editorial Staff, October 14, 2024 @ 07:30 AM (EST)

Underwater photographer, Ikelite ambassador, and frequent DPG contributor Brandi Mueller has announced the imminent release of her new book, Underwater Museums. The 144-page hardcover book, which is published by Permuted Press and distributed by Simon & Schuster, invites readers to “dive into the submerged history of the Pacific theater of World War II where ships, planes, submarines, and military surplus rest beneath the waves.” Revealing these “underwater museums” through her wreck photography, the award-winning photographer tells firsthand stories of diving the wrecks supplemented with the history of how they came to rest at the bottom of the sea.

From airplanes lost in the depths of Guadalcanal, in the Solomon Islands, and Sherman tanks swamped off the coast of a beach in Saipan, in the Northern Mariana Islands, to medicine bottles deep within a ship intended for American soldiers in Vanuatu, WWII left behind an abundance of relics underwater. These wrecks have been transformed into prolific coral reefs teeming with fish and life.

Among the underwater museums covered in the book are little-known Kwajalein Atoll; the world-famous wreck diving destination of Truk Lagoon; Guam, where two WWI and WWII ships touch; an anchorage in the Philippines where a fleet of Japanese ships thought they were safe and out of range of US aircraft; and the WWII ships, submarines, and planes that rest at the bottom of Bikini Atoll, in the Marshall Islands, after finishing out their service as targets for Operation Crossroads—a pair of nuclear weapon tests conducted by the US in 1946.

Shipping from November 5th, the book will be available on Amazon and various retailers through Simon & Schuster. Check out more of Brandi’s images on Instagram.



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