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New Book: “Shark: Portraits” by Mike Coots
By Ian Bongso-Seldrup, June 23, 2023 @ 12:00 AM (EST)

For shark lovers or big animal photographers, Mike Coots needs no introduction. After losing his leg to a tiger shark at the age of 18, he became one of the world’s hardest-working advocates of sharks, from lobbying the U.S. Congress to speaking to the United Nations. The petition he created in support of protecting sharks in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands resulted in the creation of one of the largest marine reserves on the planet.

As anyone who has checked out his website or followed him on Instagram can attest, Mike also happens to be an incredibly talented shark photographer. Over the years, he has amassed an amazing collection of jaw-dropping portraits of sharks, which are now collected together in a new book appropriately called Shark: Portraits. According to the publisher, Rizzoli, Mike has recorded “Tigers, Great Hammerheads, rare Oceanic White Tips, Lemons, Silvertips, Caribbean Reef Sharks, and massive Great Whites, as big as fourteen feet in length.”

The 240-page hardcover book, which will be released on September 5th, costs $60 and is available for pre-order now from the Rizzoli Bookstore and Amazon.




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