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Nauticam Releases Extended Macro Wide Lens (EMWL)
By Ian Bongso-Seldrup, July 23, 2020 @ 09:00 AM (EST)

Nauticam has released its latest innovative product for underwater shooters—the Extended Macro Wide Lens, or EMWL. The company claims that the EMWL “allows you to shoot macro, wide angle and combine the styles” to create never-before-seen images.

The EMWL is a wet mount modular device comprising Focusing Unit, Relay Module and Objective Lens. There are three different versions of the Focusing Unit (which is closest to the port), each of which is optimized to work with a different brand of camera and macro lens. There are three different versions of the Objective Lens (which is at the front of the EMWL), each with a different angle of view. The Relay Module goes between the two and corrects the inverted image produced by the Objective Lens. In short, it’s complicated—and best explained by Nauticam along with their sample images (see below).

Each Focusing Unit costs $1,320, the Relay Module costs $1,380, and the Objective Lenses range in price from $1,320 to $1,550.

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Nauticam is dedicated to designing the finest underwater imaging products available. The new EMWL—Extended Macro Wide Lens—takes that innovation to the next level. The EMWL allows you to shoot macro, wide angle and combine the styles to create images we only dreamed about previously!

Olympus E-M1 Mark II, Olympus 60mm  Macro, Nauticam EMWL 130°, 1/80 sec, f/10, ISO 320



The EMWL was built to work with several popular macro lenses and is optimized for both stills and video. It is a wet mount design so the lens can be attached and removed underwater. This increases the versatility of the entire system and other accessories like SMC and CMC macro converters can also be used. It is a modular design with three individual pieces that make up the EMWL, the Focusing Unit, the Relay Module and the Objective Lens. Nauticam has made components optimized to work with different camera manufacturers and their macro lenses, as well as choices for three unique perspectives. Let’s look at the individual parts and dive a bit deeper into the EMWL.

NA-R, Macro Port 94, EMWL with 100° Objective Lens

The complete EMWL System: Objective Lenses, 60°, 100°, 130° – Relay Lens – Focusing Units



To ensure the best results across a range of cameras, three focusing units were designed and each unit is custom designed optically to work with the recommended primary lenses. You will want to purchase the correct version for the lens you are using. The EMWL is very sharp, and has very good contrast, autofocus works extremely well.  This is a significant advantage compared other available relay lenses. You also have the option to add a manual focus gear. Lens adapters such as the Nikon FTZ, EF to EOS R or the Sigma MC-21 can also be used. The focusing unit is the part that is connected closest to your port, it is designed with 6 glass elements in 3 groups and attaches via the Bayonet Mount System.

Focusing Unit – Nikon, Canon, Sony 


Focusing Unit 87201 for Nikon and Micro Four Third systems

Compatible lenses:

  • Nikon AF-S VR Micro Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED
  • Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f2.8 Macro

Focusing Unit 87202 for Canon

Compatible lenses:

  • Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM
  • Canon EF-S 60mm f2.8 Macro USM for APS-C

Focusing Unit 87203 for Sony

Compatible lens:

  • Sony SEL90M28G FE 90mm F2.8 Macro G OSS

Nikon D850, Nikon 105mm Macro, Nauticam EMWL 100°, 1/200 sec, f/20, ISO 320



The next piece that attaches to the front of the focusing unit is the Relay Lens. It was designed to the highest standard with 14 glass elements in 10 groups. The EMWL Objective Lenses generate an inverted image, making it appear upside down. The Relay Lens corrects the inverted image and relays the image back to the focusing unit and sensor. It is 150mm in length and only 62mm at its widest point. This allows the front of the EMWL to be placed extremely close to your subject while keeping the bulk of the camera system and the photographer at an extended distance. It also opens up creative possibilities for videographers to shoot motion shots in tight spaces. Imagine a push through eel grass to reveal a juvenile bat fish or a pull back from a small subject to reveal the burrow it lives in. All three Focusing Units use the same Relay Lens. It is possible to use the EMWL without the relay lens if you do not need the extended working distance, but you will want a camera or monitor that can correct for the inverted image in the EVF or LCD.

EMWL Relay Lens 87211


Olympus E-M1 Mark II, Olympus 60mm Macro, Nauticam EMWL 130°, 1/100 sec, f/9.0, ISO 320



The final piece that attaches to the front of the Relay Lens is the Objective Lens. There are three different versions with varying degrees of angle-of-view. You would choose one based on the look, subject or type of image you would like to produce. These, like the other two parts, can all be put together and disassembled underwater. You could keep all three objective lenses with you and swap out when needed. You can shoot these just like you would any other lens, but the real magic happens when you get up close to your subject. All three objective lenses will focus as close as the front element with the correct setting. You could fill up most of the frame with a nudibranch and still have room for a diver in the background! The EMWL is a great tool to boost your creativity.


This is the widest of the three Objective Lenses, designed with 9 elements in 7 groups. It is perfect for larger macro subjects or any image where you want to see more of the background. The image quality rivals the best wide angle lenses so feel free to shoot it for traditional wide angle shots as well.



This is an extremely versatile angle of view. It is the smallest and sleekest in physical size making it a good choice for timid subjects and tight spaces. It is designed with 9 elements in 6 groups. An angle of view of 100° is still a lot of background space for small macro subjects or to shoot wide angle with. A 16mm lens on FF is 107° for comparison.


For a narrower angle-of-view or if you would like the background elements to look more compressed, than the 60° objective lens is the perfect choice. It is designed with 9 elements in 6 groups. There are three focusing ranges that can be set on the lens, 00-55mm, 55-25mm and 25-0mm. I would suggest setting it to the 00-55mm setting and adjust to one of the closer settings when working extremely close to a subject. The closer setting work similar to an extension tube by moving the lens further away from the sensor.

130° Objective Lens, Click for high res image.

100° Objective Lens, Click for high res image.

60° Objective Lens, Click for high res image.


Nikon D850, Nikon 105mm  Macro, Nauticam EMWL 60°, 1/100 sec, f/14, ISO 320



The EMWL uses the Nauticam Bayonet Mounting System. You can easily attach or remove the EMWL to shoot with just the macro lens or add other accessories. You will need to add the appropriate Bayonet Mount Converter to the front of your port. If you wish to use a Super Macro (SMC-1 or SMC-2) or Compact Macro Converter (CMC-1 or CMC-2), they can be attached with an optional Bayonet Mount Adapter.

  • M67 Bayonet Mount Converter II 83250 for Nauticam 67mm threaded ports
  • M77 Bayonet Mount Converter II 83251 for Nauticam 77mm threaded ports
  • Bayonet Mount Adapter 83214 for SMC and CMC

Nikon D850, Nikon 105mm Macro, Nauticam EMWL 100°, 1/100 sec, f/20, ISO 320

Nikon D850, Nikon 105mm Macro, Nauticam EMWL 100°, 1/250 sec, f/18, ISO 320



Laowa 24mm f/14 Probe Lens   Nauticam EMWL  
37305 N100 to N120 Adaptor $525.00 87222 EMWL 100° Objective Lens $1,320.00
16336 Port Adaptor for Laowa 24mm $690.00 87211 EMWL 150mm Relay Lens $1,380.00
19155 N120 DSLR Gear Set $550.00 87203 EMWL Focusing Unit for Sony $1,320.00
21271 70mm Extension Ring with Focus Knob $525.00 37126 N100 Macro Port 105 $470.00
Metabones Canon EF to E-Mount Smart Adaptor $399.00 37147 Focus Gear for Sony 90mm f/2.8 $200.00
Venus Optics Laowa 24mm f/14 Probe Lens $1,699.00 83250 M67 Bayonet Mount Converter II $92.00
Total $4,388.00 Sony FE 90mm f/2.8 Macro G OSS Lens $1,098.00
    Total $5,880.00


Laowa 24mm f/14 Probe Lens   Nauticam EMWL  
16336 Port Adaptor for Laowa 24mm $690.00 87222 EMWL 100° Objective Lens $1,320.00
19155 N120 DSLR Gear Set $550.00 87211 EMWL 150mm Relay Lens $1,380.00
21271 70mm Extension Ring with Focus Knob $525.00 87202 EMWL Focusing Unit for Canon $1,320.00
Venus Optics Laowa 24mm f/14 Probe Lens $1,699.00 18703 N120 Macro Port 94 $520.00
Total $3,464.00 19523 Focus Gear for Canon 100mm f/2.8L $210.00
    83250 M67 Bayonet Mount Converter II $92.00
    Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L IS USM Lens $899.00
    Total $5,741.00



  • 87501 Flip Holder for EMWL Lens
  • 87512 Shade for 130° Objective Lens
  • 87513 Shade for 100° Objective Lens
  • 87515 M67 Mount to EMWL Focusing Unit
  • 83250 M67 to Bayonet Mount Converter II
  • 83251 M77 to Bayonet Mount Converter II



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