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Marine Ecosystem Hidden by Larsen C Ice Shelf to be Explored
By Joanna Lentini, October 11, 2017 @ 07:00 PM (EST)
Source: ENN

2016 rift in the Larsen C Ice Shelf

A team of scientists will travel to the Antarctic Peninsula to investigate a section of seabed which has been concealed by the Larsen C Ice Shelf for the past 120,000 years. The massive calving took place in July 2017 and created an iceberg four times the size of London. The calving exposed an area of ocean that is 2,250 square miles.

The team, led by the British Antarctic Survey, will travel to the region for three weeks on the research ship RRS James Clark Ross this coming February. The mission is to “discover how this marine ecosystem will respond to environmental change in a climate-sensitive region.” As long as the iceberg continues moving away from the ice shelf, the mission should be successful.   

Read more here.



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