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Lacie Introduces 2.5 Inch Rikiki Portable Hard Drive
By Matt J. Weiss, December 15, 2009 @ 07:00 PM (EST)

Lacie announced today their smallest external hard disk to date, the compact, 2.5 inch Rikiki.  The little guy can hold up to 640GB, with 250GB and 500GB models available as well.

With so much other gear to worry about, small, sturdy hard drives are a good addition for your underwater photography gear bag.  The Rikiki adds a good amount of storage space, without taking up luggage space. It also isn't too bad on the wallet, starting at $75.00.

Also, is it just me or is there something unexplainably appealing about that little primate on the hard drive...?


Lacie Rikiki portable hard drive


Lacie Rikiki portable hard drive




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