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James Cameron Reaches Ocean’s Deepest Point
By Joseph Tepper, March 25, 2012 @ 09:10 PM (EST)
Source: National Geographic News


It turns out that James Cameron wasn’t reaching too high when he decided to descend to the ocean’s deepest point.

The 57-year-old director, explorer and environmentalist successfully touched down at the ocean’s deepest point in the Mariana Trench after years of preparation and planning. Cameron’s “DEEPSEA CHALLENGER” sub began the 7-mile-plus journey under the waves before sunrise Sunday morning near Papua New Guinea. 

"We did some test launches and recoveries, and we did an unpiloted dive of the vehicle," Cameron said in a Nat Geo interview. 

Cameron and his team conducted multiple un-manned test dives and experiments this week, but were delayed by inclement conditions. The deep-sea explorer plans to collect samples, map, and even photograph an area of the ocean previously unexplored. 

“Just arrived at the ocean's deepest pt,” tweeted Cameron to the world from a special communications system.

“Hitting bottom never felt so good. Can't wait to share what I'm seeing w/ you.”

Who knows—maybe it will be the start of “deep sea underwater photography.” 




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