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James Cameron Donates Submersible to Science
By Angela Messina, March 28, 2013 @ 11:17 AM (EST)
Source: LiveScience

James Cameron and his crew spent seven years designing and building the Deepsea Challenger, the unique submersible that can withstand crushing pressure at extreme depths. Following his successful journey into the Mariana Trench, Cameron has decided to donate the sub to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute for their research.

"Our sub is a scientific proof-of-concept, and our partnership with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is a way to provide the technology we developed to the oceanographic community," said Cameron.

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute plans to adopt some of the unique features of the Deepsea Challenger. For example, they will use the lighting and camera system of the submersible on another one of their existing vehicles.

Read more here.



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