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Issue 139 of Underwater Photography Magazine Available
By DPG Editorial Staff, July 2, 2024 @ 08:30 AM (EST)

The latest edition of Underwater Photography magazine—Issue 139—is now available as a free download.

Once again, there’s a nice roundup of industry news and new imaging gear. This issue features the Backscatter Hybrid Flash (HF-1), the Marelux housing for the Nikon Z8, the Inon X-2 housing for the Canon EOS R6 Mark II, and the new Ikelite compact housing for the Sony Alpha a6600—among many other products. Two new books are also covered: Howard Rosenstein’s “Treasures, Shipwrecks and the Dawn of Red Sea Diving” and Mike Bartick’s “The World of Blackwater.”

On the gear review front, the issue features an article on two high-end wide-angle Sony “G Master” lenses, the FE 14mm f/1.8 GM and the FE 16–35mm f/2.8 GM II, by Massimo Franzese, as well as republishes Matthew Sullivan’s excellent article “Nikonos 13mm Conversion for Sony Mirrorless,” which was first published on DPG.

Rounding things off, there are a couple of articles focused on Caribbean travel (Providencia Island by Wolfgang Schreibmayer and Sint Maarten by Tim Guerney), an informative feature on capturing camouflaging critters in Indonesia’s Lembeh Strait, and an inspiring portfolio of images by Sandra Stalker, who was crowned “Most Promising British Underwater Photographer of the Year” in UPY 2024. Sandra also supplies the wonderful cover image—yes, indeed, that is a nudibranch having a chat with a snail!

Getting your free copy of the latest issue of Underwater Photography magazine is simplicity itself: Simply sign up with your email to get access. If you’ve already signed up (and you’re logged in), you can download your copy directly here.  




Backscatter Smart Control Optical TTL Flash Trigger
Sea & Sea MDX-R5II
Nauticam NA-R1
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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