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Invasive Seaweed Could Offer New Medicinal Benefits
By Angela Messina, October 23, 2014 @ 12:17 PM (EST)
Source: ScienceDaily

Two scientists from the University of Greenwich have won a £5,000 prize to pursue their plans to break down the invasive Japanese wireweed (Sargassum muticum) into compounds that can be used in medicine.

Japanese wireweed has invaded British coasts and is ecologically and financially destructive. Dr. John Milledge and Dr. Birthe Nielsen hope to find a pharmaceutical use for the seaweed which could “transform a disposal problem into a commercial opportunity."

The University of Greenwich, a prominent institution in the world of algal biorefining, is working with IOTA Pharmaceuticals, a drug discovery company, to research the seaweed, which is already used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Read more here.



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