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Ikelite Housing Compatibility with Sony RX100 VII
By Joseph Tepper, August 27, 2019 @ 12:56 PM (EST)

One of the most inconvenient things about upgrading cameras in the underwater photography world is the obligation to purchase a new housing as well. Well, if you’ve recently decided to invest in the new Sony RX100 VII and already have an Ikelite RX100 VI housing handy—fear not!

Ikelite has announced that their existing housing for the VI version of the camera can be made to comfortably accommodate the new VII model with just a few small adjustments. Because of a slight dimensional difference between the models, you’ll need to slightly tighten the screw that attaches the rear control dial for optimal user experience. 

“Minor differences in camera bodies and housings may affect your results,” Ikelite shared in a release. “If you experience any issues with the installation of the newer RX100 VII in older housings built for the RX100 VI, please contact Ikelite via email.”

This minor alteration applies only to housings produced before August 26 (serial numbers below 72159). Housings made after this production date have taken the minute dimension difference into account and require no modification. Learn more about Ikelite compatibility with the Sony RX100 VI and VII here



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