DPG is a comprehensive underwater photography website and community for underwater photographers. Learn underwater photography techniques for popular digital cameras and specialized professional underwater equipment (wide angle, macro, super macro, lighting and work flow). Read latest news, explore travel destinations for underwater photography. Galleries of professional and amateur underwater photography including wrecks, coral reefs, undersea creatures, fashion and surfing photography.
Dive Photo Guide


Happy Lunar New Year from DPG
By DPG Editorial Staff, January 23, 2023 @ 12:00 AM (EST)

Gong Xi Fa Cai! The staff at DPG would like to wish all of our readers Happy Lunar New Year. Let your hare down and enjoy the Year of the Rabbit! Wishing you many hoppy underwater photography adventures!

(For more lovely fish portraits like this handsome coral rabbitfish, and many other incredible images from the pristine reefs around Wakatobi Resort in Sulawesi, Indonesia, check out Pam & Wayne Osborn’s book, Dive Wakatobi. It’s free to download!)






Backscatter Smart Control Optical TTL Flash Trigger
Sea & Sea MDX-R5II
Nauticam NA-R1
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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