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French Polynesia Protects The Future Of Their Whales And Tourism
By Matt J. Weiss, September 11, 2008 @ 02:00 AM (EST)
Whale watching is an important form of eco-tourism because of the fragile conservation state of whales. With whales more valuable dead than alive there is incentive to protect them.

However, if whale watching is done wrong it can be dangerous for the whales, and the protecting the whales becomes a distant afterthought to the monetary gains of the business.

That’s why in French Polynesia authorities are putting in place laws that will better protect whales in lieu of the growing number of inexperienced tour providers.    Before just being license to operate, operators must complete a whale watching internship. Also, they will have to display a flag that will clearly demonstrate they posses a license.

Whale watching is an important form of tourism in French Polynesia, and the industry is continually growing. These laws will ensure the sustainability of the whales, and thus, whale watching.



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