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Filmmaker James Cameron Discusses Exploration
By Angela Messina, March 21, 2013 @ 02:19 PM (EST)
Source: National Geographic

James Cameron, a filmmaker and National Geographic’s Explorer-in-Residence, was recently honored by NYC’s Explorers Club, receiving their highest award, the Explorers Club Medal. The Explorers Club recognized Cameron for his recent dive into the Mariana Trench using submersible technology.

National Geographic sat down with Cameron to discuss his exploration, filmmaking, and plans for the future. During the discussion, he shared how making the movies The Abyss and Titanic initiated his first diving experience and how further diving has informed his filmmaking.

Cameron also discussed his plans for the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER, the submersible he helped to develop and took into the Mariana Trench, saying that he’d like to make it available for ocean research and to share the technology used in the submersible, which he believes can be adopted for other ocean exploration devices.



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