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Elon Musk to Offer Scuba Diving on Mars
By Joseph Tepper, April 1, 2021 @ 11:00 AM (EST)

Want a dive that’s truly out of this world? It’s coming, soon.

Space X Founder Elon Musk has unveiled plans to include Scuba diving for tourists traveling to Mars on their first public flights sometime in the 2030s. Scientists recently discovered three saltwater lakes buried beneath the iconic crimson crust of the Red Planet. The Space X’s “Mars & Beyond” program aims to find the first evidence of extraterrestrial life underwater.

“Why are we looking for aliens on the surface of Mars? Space X “Mars & Beyond: Undersea Exploration” program will offer planetary visitors the chance to scuba dive in space,” Musk tweeted this morning.

Of course, such an otherworldly experience comes with a cost: One million Bitcoin. That works out to about $60 billion in today’s dollar. However, by the time the mission to Mars takes off, it will likely be valued in the billions.

Start saving up and read more about the Space X “Undersea Exploration” program, here



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