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Dive Photo Guide


DPG Photo Shoots On Location
By Jason Heller, November 23, 2007 @ 02:00 AM (EST)

The entire DPG team is on photo shoots in various locations throughout Central America this month. Our regular readers will have noticed that we haven’t updated the news or posted any articles this week. A rare occurrence, even when we’re on the road...



In theory, one of the great things about running a website is that we can work from anywhere in the world. Sometimes that works out. However, "In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice, they are not." We have been in remote locations the last week with no internet access. Half the time we didn't even have consistent electricity, and for two days no hot water! Of course we’d trade hot water and showers for internet access in a heart beat. There’s never a dull moment on the road. The first internet cafe had access speed that rivals watching the grass grow. After celebrating Thanksgiving with our good friends down here, we are finally able to regain our regular groove of providing daily news and updates (pending consistent access for the rest of the month). But the adventure is worth it. After all, the passion for adventure, diving and underwater imagery is what drives us and the bond that ties our entire community together. On this unique Central American expedition, we are diving some newly discovered reefs in Belize, Guatemala and Honduras. The diving is pretty amazing and the underwater photo and video opportunities are spectacular, including muck critters, healthy reefs, open water pelagics and special sites that we are privileged to have been invited to experience. So – stay tuned for more on our adventure next week!



GoPro HERO13 Black
Seacam Housing for Sony a9 III
Nauticam NA-Z6III
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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