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DIY Anti-Fog Inserts for Your GoPro
By Joseph Tepper, October 28, 2015 @ 03:17 PM (EST)

GoPro cameras have revolutionized underwater imaging—but they’re not perfect. Even these innovative action cameras succumb to one of underwater photography’s great foes: Fogging.

Fortunately, GoPro sells anti-fogging inserts. Less fortunately, they cost $15 for a four-pack. In search of a cost-effective solution, GoPro YouTube-er Ho Stevie! published a video about how to make DIY anti-fog inserts. The nifty method uses carefully measured paper towel strips and claims to achieve similar results to official GoPro anti-fog inserts.

Fogging is caused by differences in temperature between the water and the air. A little bit of fogging inside of your camera can ruin an otherwise amazing shot. So, grab a roll of paper towels and make your own anti-fog inserts today.






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Nauticam NA-Z6III
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
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