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Dive Photo Guide


DEMA Coverage: Intro, Day 1
By Jason Heller, November 1, 2007 @ 02:00 AM (EST)
DivePhotoGuide will be providing complete coverage of the 2007 DEMA Show in Orlando, Florida. We'll report on the new products, people and players that make DEMA what it is. So today's coverage is just an intro, but we wanted to begin immersing you in the DEMA vibe and keep you up to date on the show "as it happens". The show floor is hard to get through on the first day, as we bump into old friends and colleagues, many who we have not seen since the last DEMA show. I also have three seminars to present during the week, on behalf of DEMA. One down, two to go...Over the next three days, we will cover new products in the world of underwater photography and video, and we'll catch up with some of pro shooters among the crowd. So far we've run into Cathy Church, Steven Frink, Amos Nachoum, Stan Waterman, Ethan Gordon, Annie Crawley, and of course Eric Cheng (Wetpixel is parked at the DivePhotoGuide booth).Unfortunately, the spirit of Halloween was not as present on the showfloor as I thought it might be, although there were a couple of pirates, witches, warlocks, and two psycho ward patients from Wetpixel out and about strolling the show floor. But it wasn't until the dark of night when ...well, when the freaks came out! The DEMA/DAN party was the place to be. Some of the crazy diving themed costumes included a dead diver and a weight belt, which consisted of 5 people dressed up as weights and strung together by a giant buckled strap.(Photo right: Steven Frink gets into the halloween spirit.)


Nexus had a housing for the new Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III on display, which is essentially a modified Mark II housing with a new back. Tomorrow I will find out if they plan on just selling the back for those who are upgrading (but i'd have to imagine so).

Tomorrow we'll go check out the Sea & Sea D300 prototype. We'll also chat with  Subal, who confirmed today that they are trying to release their D300 housing by the end of the year.

Although not underwater, as a photographer, I never realized how much fun it was to shoot people in wacky and colorful costumes. This freaky image of our friend Ed Buckley from St. Croix Underwater Blue Adventures is a great example of some of the cool and crazy costumes worn at the party. Ed, that's a great look for you by the way!



 Amos Nachoum was enjoying the thrills of victory from his recent win in the Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition (animal behavior category) for his classic great white shark breaching image. Congrats again to Amos and the other photographers featured in the DivePhotoGuide PRO Galleries who took home awards this year. Hey, we said it was gong to be short today. We do have significantly more to report, but it's 2AM in Orlando, and after a long day I'm calling it a night before I look like our buddy Ed above!More to follow tomorrow - stay tuned! 



Backscatter Smart Control Optical TTL Flash Trigger
Sea & Sea MDX-R5II
Nauticam NA-R1
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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