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Dive Photo Guide


DEMA 2008: Sealife
By Matt J. Weiss, October 29, 2008 @ 02:00 AM (EST)
SeaLife continues to be the biggest player in the point & shootunderwater photography  market, and certainly showed this with their large booth,complete with many tables and chairs. Their huge sign helped me navigate my way back to the DPG booth from aisles away! Sealife was highlighting the DC800 one of the top selling models. The camera is  specifically designed for underwater use, including 5 specific color correction modes including "sea"mode which restores the colors lost from shooting underwater without strobes. Of course you can add up to two SeaLife strobes.  



Sealife DC800


The housing is made to work seamlessly with the SeaLife 961D flash, which I tend to be indirectly very fond of since its predecessor, the 960D, was the first strobe I ever used. and has a lot of sentimental value. SeaLife offers the DC800 "Pro" package which comes with the strobe and fiber optic cable and prices just under 800 bucks.


Sealife DC800

The DC800 also has the option of an add on flash diffuser for the in camera flash when not using a strobe, as well as new diffuser for the external strobe.

Sealife DC800 Flash




GoPro HERO13 Black
Seacam Housing for Sony a9 III
Nauticam NA-Z6III
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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