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DEMA 2008: DEMA Awards Party
By Jason Heller, October 29, 2008 @ 04:00 AM (EST)
Wendy and I were invited to attend the DEMA Awards Dinner by our friends Lorraine & Dave Riscinti, who also happens to be a DEMA board member. We spent Friday evening enjoying  a  well organized Vegas gala, a good meal, and great company. This year was especially significant for DivePhotoGuide and our readers, as many underwater photographers & cinematographers were honored, including Marty Snyderman who received a coveted DEMA Reaching Out Award, as did our friend Clement Lee from Borneo Divers. We congratulate both of these class acts for their contributions to the dive industry and the oceans.


2008 DEMA Awards Dinner

2008 DEMA Awards Dinner
The DEMA Awards Dinner, Vegas style

2008 DEMA Awards Dinner Ernie Brooks Wyland
Ernie Brooks & Wyland

2008 DEMA Awards Dinner Filipe Barrio
Filipe Barrio & Wendy Heller

2008 DEMA Reaching Out Award Clement Lee
Tom Ingram Presents Clement Lee With The 2008 Reaching Out Award

A true leader in the development of diving in Southeast Asia, Clement Lee is a pioneer in introducing professionalism in recreational diving and the dive tourism industry in Sabah as well as resort management in Sipadan.  As Managing Director and a founding partner of Borneo Divers & Sea Sports, in 1989 he was among the first to build a dive resort on the famous Sipadan Island.

With extensive diving experience in Sabah waters, Lee became a dive master in 1985 and later that same year, a PADI Instructor.  Six years later in August 1991, Lee became the first ever PADI Course Director in Malaysia.  For the past ten years, Lee and Borneo Divers have organized Mabul Marine Day on Mabul Island near Sabah, in conjunction with Sipadan Water Village.  Lee actively promotes conservation and environmental protection, is effectively involved in Project AWARE initiatives, the Crown of Thorn Operation and various clean up activities.

Lee is the recipient of numerous awards for his achievements and contributions to the diving industry including: the PIRA Excellence in Dive Resort Operations Award, for Significant Leadership and Innovation in the Dive Resort Community (1994); PADI Outstanding Achievement Award, for 12 Years of Excellence in Dive Retailing & Dive Travel (1996); a Malaysia Tourism Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Tourism Industry (2000); and the United National Environment Program & Project AWARE Foundation Award in Recognition of Outstanding Effort at the Coral Reef Conservation Workshop in 2004.

2008 DEMA Reaching Out Award Marty Snyderman
Tom Ingram Presents Marty Snyderman With The 2008 Reaching Out Award
An Emmy Award winning cinematographer, Marty Snyderman is a still photographer, film producer, author and speaker specializing in the marine environment.  Snyderman’s still photography and writing has been utilized by National Geographic, Skin Diver, Natural History, Dive Training, Sport Diver, Time, Newsweek, Time Life, numerous National Wildlife Federation publications, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, New England Aquarium, Sea World, Seattle Aquarium, and numerous other publications and organizations expressing interest in the marine environment both in the United States and overseas.

Snyderman has been involved in underwater photography for 25 years and continues to produce compelling images of marine life in attempts to raise awareness and interest about many marine issues.  To date, he has authored nine books, including “California Marine Life,” his first book which has just been revised and re-released in cooperation with the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and “Guide to Marine Life of the Caribbean, Bahamas and Florida.”  His self-produced film, “To Be With Sharks (View From The Cage)” premiered on the Discovery Channel in July 1994 during Shark Week.  A big ratings success, it is the second most widely watched premier in the history of Shark Week.

Snyderman served as the Field Editor for Skin Diver and was the long time author of the magazine’s “Ask The Pro” column.  He is currently the Marine Life Editor for Dive Training and contributes photos and articles monthly to the magazine.

2008 DEMA Awards Party Cathy Church
Cathy Church & her husband Herb

2008 DEMA Awards Party Stuart Cove, Stephen Frink, Chuck Nicklin
Stuart Cove, Stephen Frink, Chuck Nicklin

2008 DEMA Awards Party Chuck Nicklin
The formalities of the evening commenced by honoring legendary underwater photographers & cinematographers (I need to check the program and fill in the complete list) - included were Al Giddings, Chuck Nicklin, and the popular divestress from the 1950's TV series Sea Hunt, Zale Parry

2008 DEMA Awards Party Tom Ingram, Al Hornsby, Jason Heller
Tom Ingram (DEMA), Al Hornsby (PADI), Jason Heller

2008 DEMA Awards Party Wendy Heller, Suzanne Garrett, Keith Phillips
Wendy, Suzanne Garett (Oceana), Keith Phillips (Scuba Diving Magazine)

2008 DEMA Awards Party Blue Water Divers
We sat at the Blue Water Divers table, with Loraine & Dave Riscinti, John & Carla Chatterton, Keith Sahm & his wife Karen (PADI), Mark Snyder, and Ian Sykes from ISSYS

2008 DEMA Awards Party Blue Water Divers
Dave & Lorraine Riscinti from Blue Water Divers in NJ - thanks for having us at your table once again, we love you guys!

2008 DEMA Awards Party Dive Vietnam
Looking like rock stars - Jermey Stein & Caroline Istas from Rainbow Divers, Vietnam & Sangalaki Dive Lodge, Indonesia

2008 DEMA Awards Party Wendy Heller
Wendy poses with the giant "emmy-esque" golden diver after leaving a great evening at the 2008 DEMA Awards Dinner 




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