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Dive Photo Guide


DEMA 2008: A Carlos Hiller Original
By Jason Heller, October 29, 2008 @ 03:00 AM (EST)
Ocean lovers, scuba divers, and marine art enthusists are beginning to recognize the work of Carlos Hiller, an uber-talented marine artist from Costa Rica. I am always humbled by Carlos' talent, and specifically his ability to turn a blank canvas into surreal scenes that almost look as if they emerge from behind a dome port. Any underwater photographer can recognize this unique style instantly.
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
Carlos sports his new DivePhotoGuide t-shirt - er...um...not so new anymore

Wendy and I have become friends with Carlos and his wife Sabina, and we were honored when Carlos emailed us a few weeks prior to DEMA to let us know of his intentions to create a special painting of a turtle decending from the surface under the moonlight just for us. He's taking the canvas back to his studio in Costa Rica to finish the piece, which will ultimately end up on our living room wall. We wanted to document the making of our masterpiece, and the images below act as a time lapse of about an hour's worth of painiting. It's truly impressive to watch. 
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
DEMA 2008 Carlos Hiller
 We're looking forward to the finished version, which will be framed as the centerpiece of our living room! Thanks again Carlos!



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