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Dive Photo Guide


DEMA 2016 Coverage: DPG/Wetpixel Underwater Imaging Party
By DPG Editorial Staff, November 19, 2016 @ 11:30 AM (EST)

You know it’s a good party when someone dislocates a shoulder while doing cartwheels—it’s Las Vegas after all. So by that metric, it was a heck of a night!

The 2016 DEMA Underwater Imaging Party kicked off at 8PM last night and was a tremendous success. More than 300 industry members gathered in a grand ballroom at the Westgate Hotel to revel and celebrate what we have in common.

Initially, the plan was to have the party on the rooftop pool, but it proved to be a bit too windy and cold. We warmed up with spirits and a shared love for underwater imagery inside for the better part of four hours. There really aren’t any words to express how much fun the night was, so we will present some pictures. Generally, these are taken chronologically, so you can tell that people get a bit silly as the night goes on.


















It’s getting late… Wetpixel’s Adam Hanlon’s face says it all!

But the night wouldn’t have even started without the generous support of our sponsors: Backscatter, Lembeh Resort/Critters@Lembeh, Nauticam, Dive Damai, and Aquatica. You made it possible!




Backscatter Smart Control Optical TTL Flash Trigger
Sea & Sea MDX-R5II
Nauticam NA-R1
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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