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Dive Photo Guide


DEMA 2015 Coverage: DPG/Wetpixel Underwater Imaging Party
By Joseph Tepper, November 8, 2015 @ 06:00 PM (EST)

Ladies and gentlemen—the moment you’ve been waiting for. It’s the most anticipated industry gathering event of the year! It’s the revelry that revolutionized dive festivities! Here it comes: The 2015 DPG/Wetpixel Underwater Imaging Party.

After a long day on the show floor, the best of the best in underwater imaging gathered around the Rosen Centre’s pool deck for a drink or two at the watering hole. More than 250 attended this year’s event, making it one of the most successful to date.

If you’ve ever been to the DEMA Underwater Imaging party, then you know just how awesome of an experience it is. Not just because of the free drinks and grub made available through the generosity of our sponsors: Backscatter, Scuba Diver Life, Nauticam, and Lembeh Resort. But also because, for the better part of five hours, you’re in a room with people as passionate about underwater photography as you.

Ok, ok. Enough sentimentality. Let’s get to the embarassing party pics. And away we go!

It took a while to get them all in one place, but finally all of team Backscatter posed for a pic

Wetpixel Editor Adam Hanlon catches up with underwater shooter, Rico Besserdich

You never know who might drop by, like Daniel Botelho, Imran Ahmad and Francesca Diaco

Editor pow-wow: DPG Editors Joe Tepper and Lia Barrett welcome into the fold Wetpixel’s Adam Hanlon

Here’s a fantastic recap of the night done by the aforementioned Wetpixel Editor, Adam Hanlon. If you’re short on time, we encourage skipping to the final minute. It’s a real winner.


Smiles brought to you by our awesome sponsors, whose supply of drink tickets livened things up

Scuba Diver Life is “OK”! Well, actually they are much better than that!

Things are getting goofy with the guys from Worldwide Dive and Sail

DPG Editor Lia Barrett photo bombs the Cali crew

Say Cali! Andy Sallmon, Allison Vitsky-Sallmon and Nick Lebeouf of SD Expeditions join together for a snap

Reefnet’s Keri Wilk reacts to the fact there aren’t any drink tickets left. Wait until next year, man

A big thanks to all that attended—you made it awesome and inspired us to already begin planning next year’s event. And thanks again to the party’s sponsors: Backscatter, Scuba Diver Life, Nauticam, and Lembeh Resort.




GoPro HERO13 Black
Seacam Housing for Sony a9 III
Nauticam NA-Z6III
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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