DPG is a comprehensive underwater photography website and community for underwater photographers. Learn underwater photography techniques for popular digital cameras and specialized professional underwater equipment (wide angle, macro, super macro, lighting and work flow). Read latest news, explore travel destinations for underwater photography. Galleries of professional and amateur underwater photography including wrecks, coral reefs, undersea creatures, fashion and surfing photography.
Dive Photo Guide

Event Coverage News

DPG Editorial Staff | Nov 2, 2017 12:00 AM
DPG hits the show floor with coverage of SeaLife, Keldan, Acquapazza, Kraken Sports, XIT 404, and more
DPG Editorial Staff | Oct 20, 2017 3:00 PM
Your go-to spot for complete coverage of the 2017 DEMA show
Joseph Tepper | Oct 20, 2017 3:00 PM
DPG breaks down the industry’s biggest gathering for the underwater shooter
Ian Bongso-Seldrup | Sep 7, 2017 6:00 AM
The results of the 2017 Monterey Shootout are official, with Clinton Bauder taking home top honors for a beautiful jellyfish capture
Ian Bongso-Seldrup | Jul 17, 2017 11:30 PM
A round-up of all the cool stuff that happened at this year’s event in Bonaire—plus the results of the competition
Ian Bongso-Seldrup | Jul 10, 2017 10:30 PM
Invited critter expert Dr. Richard Smith wrapped up a highly successful workshop at Siladen Resort and Spa last week
Joanna Lentini | Feb 27, 2017 11:30 PM
New DPG Editor Joanna Lentini reports from Our World Underwater in Chicago, where she presented the winners of this year’s OWU International Photo and Video Competition, hosted by DPG and Wetpixel
Ian Bongso-Seldrup | Dec 11, 2016 8:20 PM
“Capturing Critters in Lembeh,” the annual underwater photography and videography workshop held at Lembeh Resort, concludes another successful event
Joseph Tepper | Nov 20, 2016 1:00 AM
Coverage includes Subal, i-DiveSite, Acquapazza, Light and Motion, and XIT 404
DPG Editorial Staff | Nov 19, 2016 11:30 AM
Relive the silliness of this annual must-go industry event

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