DPG is a comprehensive underwater photography website and community for underwater photographers. Learn underwater photography techniques for popular digital cameras and specialized professional underwater equipment (wide angle, macro, super macro, lighting and work flow). Read latest news, explore travel destinations for underwater photography. Galleries of professional and amateur underwater photography including wrecks, coral reefs, undersea creatures, fashion and surfing photography.
Dive Photo Guide

Event Coverage News

Jason Heller | Nov 20, 2008 3:00 AM
The 2008 Epson Eilat Red Sea underwater photo competition has come to a close. Winning images and video clips from the winning ceremony wrap up our coverage of this year's event
Jason Heller | Nov 20, 2008 2:00 AM
Final day before the winners ceremony, live from the Epson Eilat Red Sea underwater photography competition and shootout
Jason Heller | Nov 16, 2008 2:00 AM
The Epson Red Sea underwater photography competition in Eilat is wrapping up, with only one more day to go
Jason Heller | Nov 15, 2008 2:00 AM
Day 2 of the Epson Eilat Red Sea 2008 underwater photography competition and shootout
Jason Heller | Nov 12, 2008 2:00 AM
Continued coverage live from the Epson Red Sea competition in Eilat, Israel
Jason Heller | Nov 11, 2008 3:00 AM
The prestigious international underwater photography competition in Eilat, the Epson Red Sea competition, kicks off this week. Keri Wilk reports live from the action in Eilat
Jason Heller | Oct 31, 2008 5:00 AM
Welcome to the official DivePhotoGuide DEMA 2008 event coverage. Check back at this page over the next few days for live coverage from the show
Jason Heller | Oct 31, 2008 2:00 AM
Gyula Somogyi continues his report, live from Antibes, France at the 35th Annual World Festival of Images (video clips included)
Jason Heller | Oct 30, 2008 3:00 AM
DivePhotoGuide's European representative Gyula "Jules" Somogyi reports live from the 35th Annual World Festival of Underwater Images
Matt J. Weiss | Oct 30, 2008 2:00 AM
Epoque released some new products at DEMA s that extends their already diverse product range.

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