DPG is a comprehensive underwater photography website and community for underwater photographers. Learn underwater photography techniques for popular digital cameras and specialized professional underwater equipment (wide angle, macro, super macro, lighting and work flow). Read latest news, explore travel destinations for underwater photography. Galleries of professional and amateur underwater photography including wrecks, coral reefs, undersea creatures, fashion and surfing photography.
Dive Photo Guide

DPG News

Jason Heller | Nov 23, 2007 2:00 AM
The entire DPG team is on photo shoots in various locations throughout Central America this month. Our regular readers will have noticed that we haven't updated the news or posted any articles this week. A rare occurrence, even when we're on the road
Jason Heller | Nov 8, 2007 2:00 AM
To help celebrate our re-launch, DivePhotoGuide has partnered with our newest sponsor, Mares, to provide gear for a special monthly promotion for DPG members. Once a month for the next year, we will be selecting one registered member at random to receive free dive gear from Mares
Jason Heller | Oct 30, 2007 2:00 AM
After a long development cycle, we are incredibly proud to announce and unveil to the world, The New DivePhotoGuide.com! Since 2005 DivePhotoGuide has provided unique resources for underwater photographers & videographers of all levels from around the world. The new website is designed to be rich in content and to provide a platform for participation - in a very unique way
Jason Heller | Oct 12, 2007 2:00 AM
Situated in a small archipelago just Southeast of Sulawesi, in central Indonesia, Wakatobi is truly a slice of paradise with exceptional diving and endless photo and video opportunities. So where better to hold an underwater photo and video festival
Jason Heller | Oct 6, 2007 2:00 AM
One of the great things about the web is the combination of diversity and relevance that websites represent to those who read them. Interested in wreck diving? Underwater photography or video? Cold water diving? The web offers each niche its own rightful place in the world and brings like minded people together around specific content and tools like never before. To drive this point home, a search for "scuba diving" on Google returns over 2.4 million web pages, and just "Wreck diving" brings back 324,000 web pages...
Jason Heller | Aug 29, 2007 2:00 AM
Well...we hit a milestone last week - our 100th pro gallery. We're pretty psyched! That's 100 of the best, most prolific, talented and inspirational, underwater photographers in the world. We set out to develop THE gallery of all underwater photo galleries - a way to feature the top pros, the image makers whose images transcend time and place and touch our emotions. We say a very heartfelt and humbled "thank you" to all the photographers who have helped to make the DPG Galleries one of the most unique and special anywhere, online or offline. Through their imagery, these photographers have helped make DivePhotoGuide, and the world, a better place. Yes - the world. All of the photographers featured in our galleries have created images for editorial and/or advertising, which has helped to directly or indirectly create increased awareness and appreciation of the underwater world...

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