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Jason Heller | Dec 5, 2007 2:00 AM
X-Ray Mag issue #20 is out and available for download
Jason Heller | Dec 4, 2007 2:00 AM
Underwater photographer Alex Kirkbride's exhibition associated with his new book "American Waters" opens on Dec 5th at Plus One Gallery, London
Wendy Heller | Dec 4, 2007 2:00 AM
Although Chile's Administrative Fishery Law protects the Cetacean species in Chilean waters until 2025, environmentalist groups want all waterways in the country declared a whale sanctuary. The Cetacean Conservation Center, together with 4 senators, presented Monday to Chilean President Michelle Bachelet the petition to proclaim Chile's territorial waters as whale sanctuary
Wendy Heller | Dec 4, 2007 2:00 AM
Long before tourists arrived in the Bahamas, ancient visitors took up residence in this archipelago off Florida's coast and left remains offering stark evidence that the arrival of humans can permanently change -- and eliminate -- life on what had been isolated islands, says a University of Florida researcher
Wendy Heller | Dec 4, 2007 2:00 AM
The past year has seen more weather records smashed as extreme events take a firmer hold of the planet, says WWF at the start of the UN climate change conference. The overview from the global conservation organization, Breaking Records in 2007 - Climate Change, shows record lows for sea ice cover in the Arctic, some of the worst forest fires ever seen and record floods. "Events like these show the urgent need to take decisive action on climate change," says Hans Verolme, Director of WWF's Global Climate Change Programme
Wendy Heller | Dec 3, 2007 2:00 AM
The tranquil Satabhaya coast along the Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary has turned into a graveyard for Olive Ridley sea turtles with over a hundred decomposed bodies of these delicate marine species spotted along a kilometre stretch shoreline. The sighting of bodies of these sensitive marine animals has triggered a near-catastrophe like situation before the onset of 'arribada' (mass egg laying phenomenon). The large number of death of the sea turtles that has put the forest personnel in a spot of bother was confirmed by forest personnel on Monday
Wendy Heller | Dec 3, 2007 2:00 AM
This month, the Shark Alliance is welcoming a suite of opportunities to secure a brighter future for beleaguered shark species, particularly those within Europe. Through deliberation of EU proposals and overlapping international discussion of global action, these exceptionally vulnerable animals are at last getting some long overdue attention
Jason Heller | Dec 2, 2007 3:00 AM
Over $80,000 in prizes up for grabs as Wetpixel & DivePhotoGuide host the annual international competitions at Our World Underwater and DEEP Indonesia
Wendy Heller | Dec 2, 2007 2:00 AM
The 16 big flasks of bubbling bright green liquids in Roger Ruan's laboratory at the University of Minnesota are part of a new boom in renewable energy research. Driven by renewed investment as oil prices push $100 a barrel, Dr. Ruan and scores of scientists around the world are racing to turn algae into a commercially viable energy source
Wendy Heller | Dec 2, 2007 2:00 AM
A female beluga whale that had fallen ill at an Atlanta aquarium, died early Saturday morning, aquarium officials said. The female whale, Marina, died about 2 a.m. Saturday, said Jeff Swanagan, the president and executive director of the Georgia Aquarium, touted as the world's largest. "She was showing increased disorientation in her swimming behavior. Then she stopped swimming and stopped breathing," he said. Officials do not know why the whale died. Swanagan said the aquarium would conduct a necropsy on Saturday to determine the cause of the whale's death, focusing on the whale's central nervous system. The whale had stopped eating on Nov. 22 and had become disoriented, injuring her chin. She had been kept under 24-hour watch by aquarium staff and veternarians. About 16 staff members and volunteers were in her pool when she died, he said

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