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Dive Photo Guide


Capturing Critters in Lembeh 2024: Last-Minute Spots Available
By Ian Bongso-Seldrup, November 20, 2023 @ 08:00 PM (EST)

If you saw the amazing images coming out of the last “Capturing Critters” and you missed out on a spot for the 2024 edition of the prestigious photography workshop, you’re in luck—a few spots have become available due to some last-minute cancellations.

As a reminder, this time around, the photography workshop at Lembeh Resort sees three pro shooters helping participants improve their underwater photography: Saeed Rashid, Alex Tattersall and Nicolas Remy.

The main seven-night workshop is January 13th–20th. However, if you wish, you can also optionally add the three-night “pre-workshop” (January 10th–13th), the two-night “workshop extension” (January 20th–22nd), and/or the two-night “post-workshop” (January 22nd–24th)—which adds up to two full weeks of phenomenal diving and photography.

Head over to Lembeh Resort’s event page now for more information and to grab your spot.





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