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Build a DIY Periscope for Underwater Photography
By Joseph Tepper, September 21, 2018 @ 05:00 PM (EST)

If you’re reading this, then the odds are that you have a housing for your camera to bring it underwater. But if you don’t, fear not. With just $10 and a little ingenuity you too can dive into the world of underwater photography. 

The video bloggers at “I Did A Thing” have posted a how-to video for building an underwater periscope device. In total, the device costs just $10 and is made up of PVC pipe, an elbow joint, a picture frame, and a cheap mirror. Although simple in theory, the device is quite effective at using a topside camera to take underwater photos and video.

“The device worked a lot better than I thought it would and produced fairly decent videos and images,” Alex of I Did A Thing’s told PetaPixel.

To be fair, these fairly decent results come in a still pond and not in open water. For taking pictures in the open ocean (anything below a foot or two), we strongly recommend putting your camera in a housing and not doing this…




GoPro HERO13 Black
Seacam Housing for Sony a9 III
Nauticam NA-Z6III
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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