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Dive Photo Guide


British Underwater Image Festival Deadline, Jan 31
By Jason Heller, January 29, 2008 @ 02:00 AM (EST)

The deadline for entries in the British Underwater Image Festival is drawing closer. Underwater photographers and videographers have only until 31 January to enter the Canon and Cameras Underwater-sponsored event, where winners and runners-up will be presented with more than £12,000 worth of prizes.

The British Underwater Image Festival is being held at the Go Diving! show at Birmingham's NEC on 14-16 March 2008.

The British Society of Underwater Photographers (BSoUP) co-founder Colin Doeg will be heading this years judging panels. Stills images will be judged by highly acclaimed underwater photographers Alex Mustard, DIVE's editor Simon Rogerson and DIVE's senior correspondent and award winning photographer Charles Hood. The winners and runners up in the film categories will be chosen by the BBC Blue Planet and Planet Earth film-maker Peter Scoones, DIVE's editor Simon Rogerson and DIVE's designer Aynia Noever.

More info on the BUIF website...



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