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Unfulfilled Expectations
By Hergen Spalink, February 21, 2013 @ 10:16 AM (EST)
Source: Undercurrent

Certain Dive Destinations become known for specific types of encounters - Hammerheads in Cocos, Frogfish in Lembeh Strait, and Mantas in Yap.  Sometimes, the mantas aren't there, the hammerheads have taken off for awhile, and the frogfish are on vacation. 

Sometimes divers come to Lembeh expecting whalesharks, citing someone telling them that Lembeh Strait was the best diving in Indonesia and since they also heard that there were whalesharks in Indonesia - there must therefore be whalesharks in Lembeh.  Had they picked up and read any dive magazine in the last decade they would know better. 

Instead, these divers become upset, blaming the Operators and Group Leaders for "misleading" them.  In their latest blog for Undercurrent, Burt Jones & Maurine Shimlock tackle the issue of expectations.  We've all encountered these types of situations and this article should give us all a little more insight into how to avoid becoming the victim of "unfulfilled expectations".


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