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Beneath The Sea 2009 Show Coverage-Introduction
By Matt J. Weiss, March 30, 2009 @ 01:00 AM (EST)
Beneath The Sea 2009 just wrapped up and it exceeded everyone's already high expectations. The “800 pound gorilla” which was supposed to be in the room (the economy) was pushed out by the hoards of people crowding the aisles. To really immerse our readers into BTS and show you all the new gear, we took advantage of DPG video editor Rick Morris being with us and we’ll provide comprehensive video coverage.
The coverage of the show will have multiple episodes and cover all the featured underwater imaging products, as well as interviews with important members of the underwater imaging community. While we saw plenty of new things, you’ll also see some repeats from past shows, but now in video. We hope you like this new type of coverage; post your comments on the bottom of the pages.
Episode 1: Wetpixel Quaterly, Sealife, Interview with Evan Kovacs of Woods Hole.
Episode 2:  Interview with Matthew Addison, Backscatter, Zale Perry
Episode 3: Aquatica,  Sea & Sea, Watershot, Olympus, ReefNet, Ikelite
Meanwhile at the DPG Booth...
Beneath The Sea 2009 Coverage
Beau Ranheim and Steve Edelstein at the DPG booth. NYUPS in the house! Also, I'd like to take this time to thank Beau for his awesome job helping out with the show at the DPG booth.
Beneath The Sea 2009 Coverage
In one of the funnier moments of the show, Kris Wilk of Reefnet helps Wendy finish her Chemistry homework due that night. The Reefnet family upheld their reputation as they swiftly solved some college chemistry problems.



GoPro HERO13 Black
Seacam Housing for Sony a9 III
Nauticam NA-Z6III
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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