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Behind The Scenes, Sport Diver Magazine Images Column
By Jason Heller, January 12, 2009 @ 02:00 AM (EST)
As most of our readers know, I write and shoot the "Images" column for Sport Diver Magazine. Although writing for a magazine can be fun, it's also hard work. Deadlines seem to come around before you know it, and unlike writing for a website, you're confined to making your point in a limited space allotted to your particular column., and sometimes that's the biggest challenge of all. I write about underwater photography, so it's a topic that comes naturally and is near and dear to my heart. But I always wish I had more space for it. Fortunately I have a venue here on DPG to write about underwater photography day in and day out (well as long as you keep reading).
In each issue of Sport Diver, my column ends with a footer titled "Tips From The Community", and I usually send out an email to a portion of our registered members to ask for quotes each month. This month I tried something a little different. I decided to make a quick video about it. PS: No jokes about my ragged appearance, I'm a photographer not a model...

I hope you enjoy the video - so what are your best tips for shooting in manual exposure mode?



Backscatter Smart Control Optical TTL Flash Trigger
Sea & Sea MDX-R5II
Nauticam NA-R1
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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