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Backscatter Discusses the OM System 90mm Macro Lens
By Ian Bongso-Seldrup, March 26, 2023 @ 07:30 PM (EST)

With OM Digital Solutions’ February announcement of the OM System M.Zuiko 90mm F3.5 Macro IS PRO, a professional-level lens with a 2:1 reproduction ratio, shooting macro with Micro Four Thirds (MFT) just got a lot more interesting. The Micro Four Thirds crop factor of 2x makes the OM System 90mm equivalent to a 180mm lens on a full-frame camera and means a—comparatively huge—working distance of around three inches (8cm) from the end of the lens.

But if you’re wondering exactly what the implications of all that are for underwater shooters, you’ll want to check out Backscatter’s latest video. Backscatter CEO Jim Decker and Media Producer Robin Dodd chat about the lens and compare it to other offerings both within the Micro Four Thirds context and from other systems, including the Olympus 60mm MFT macro, the Sony 90mm full-frame macro, and also the Olympus TG-6 compact—known for its epic extreme-macro Microscope Mode.

After giving the lens a good workout topside—with underwater testing to follow as soon as the weather in Monterey Bay improves!—Jim tells Robin about the lens’ working distance advantages, mind-blowing magnification, impressive sharpness, and snappy autofocus performance. They also provide very handy visual demonstrations of some of these aspects, concluding with a discussion about who might want to invest in the lens. (Spoiler: It’s for “super-macro junkies”!) Check out the video below.


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