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Dive Photo Guide


August Underwater Photo Contest Winners
By Jason Heller, September 8, 2009 @ 10:01 AM (EST)
Our inaugural monthly contest theme was Nudibranchs, and boy did we get some killer entries. Over 400 of them! To see all the entries, just search the site for Nuibranch809 and then click on the Photo tab on the search results page.
We have selected winning images, but we want to congratulate everyone who entered, and encourage you to continue to enter the monthly contests for more chances at great prizes and glory. You can click on the image or photographer name to go to the original entry and leave comments for the photographers, or feel free to join us in congratulating them in the comments below.
The winner of the Nocturnal Lights SLX800i focus light is Esteban Toré Escofet.
The runners up are:
2nd Place Kevin Lee

3rd Place Christian Skauge
The August contest was judged by Jeff de Guzman, Matt Weiss and Jason Heller.
We are loving the fantastic images being submitted and having a lot of fun with the contest series so far, as we hope you are, so please keep it coming!
Remember, at all times we will have the next six months' themes listed here, so challenge yourself to an assignment on your next dive trip!



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