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Dive Photo Guide


August Contest Reminder: Nudibranchs
By Joseph Tepper, August 22, 2014 @ 01:39 PM (EST)

There’s little more than a week to enter your top nudibranch shots in our August monthly contest.

As always, it’s free to enter—and this month’s top prize is a SLR housing courtesy of Equinox. So, whatchya waiting for?

Entering is easy: Use our simple image uploading system to submit an image or select a picture from one of your existing DPG galleries. You can enter up to three images per contest; and best of all, it’s totally FREE!

A full set of rules and guidelines is available here.

The deadline for entering the last DPG Monthly Contest is August 31, 11:59 PST.


Equinox DSLR Housing


  • 8–12lb housing out of water (without ballast or dome port)
  • Neutrally buoyant in water
  • Built to fit customer's prefered lens
  • Multiple controls
  • Ballast release – handles
  • Control access
    • Shutter button
    • Menu button
    • Menu dial
    • Start/stop
    • Mode
    • Manual focus
    • Auto focus
    • ISO
    • White balance
    • Aperture dial

Equinox is an underwater video housing manufacturer that specializes in building safe, durable and affordable underwater video housings. We are dedicated to providing excellent customer service and innovative, quality products for the professional, leisure and sport divers trying to capture the next great shot!

For more information about Equinox products, visit www.equinoxhousings.com.




Backscatter Smart Control Optical TTL Flash Trigger
Sea & Sea MDX-R5II
Nauticam NA-R1
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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