Apple today announced updated versions of the MacBook Pros, which look to be a big step up for portable computing. The main features that are appealing to photographers and videographers include Quad Processors in the 15" and 17" models and the introduction of Thunderbolt (which is also known as Light Peak)
Thunderbolt is a technology that was developed between Apple and Intel that is twice as fast as USB 3.0 and 12 times faster than Firewire 800. It includes PCI Express technology built in. With adaptors, you can connect to existing USB and FireWire Devices and connect to Gigabit Ehternet and Fibre Channel Networks. And MiniDisplay Ports can connect directly to Thunderbolt. Other dispalys, including HDMI display, can be connected via adaptor.
Looks like we will need less cords in the future and it also looks like the need for the ExpressSlots that I have missed in recent releases may not be missed as much, particularly for hooking up eSata devices.
More information on Apple Thunderbolt can be seen here
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