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Annual Underwater Pumpkin Carving Contest
By Joseph Tepper, October 18, 2018 @ 03:10 PM (EST)
Source: ABC 7

Did you know that there’s a PADI specialty course for carving pumpkins underwater? Well, participants in a recent scuba diving pumpkin carving contest could have used that training when they competed in the waters off of the Florida Keys this week.

Divers of all ages and dive abilities got to carving with knives and various tools 30 feet below the surface off Key Largo. Most opted to produce pumpkins with marine themes. The biggest challenge is keeping the highly buoyant pumpkins from floating away. 

Top prize went to some young divers: Sebastian (16) and Gabriel (14) wowed the judges with a dolphin and half-moon design. Amoray Dive Resort awarded the duo with a complimentary dive trip. 



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