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2009 RSMAS Underwater Photo Contest Winners Announced
By Matt J. Weiss, April 16, 2009 @ 01:00 AM (EST)
Virginia Key, Fla. — In its fifth annual Underwater Photography Contest, the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science attracted a diverse array of national and international photographic talent representing 23 countries and 918 images which competed in one of three categories: “wide angle,” “macro,” and “fish or marine animal portrait.” Recognition was also given to the best among University of Miami student entries.

Winning images were chosen via anonymous judging by a panel of experts in underwater photography and fine arts, including underwater photographers Myron and Nicole Wang, wildlife photographer Tim Calver, and Wilfredo Lee from the Associated Press. The competition is open to all amateur photographers who earn no more than 20 percent of their income from their photography. Awards included a weeklong trip with Blackbeard’s Cruises and cash prizes.

The Best Overall was an image submitted by Marchione Giacomo from Italy (above).  The photograph depicts two Boxer crabs (Lybia tasselata) with sea anemones in each claw. When threatened Boxer crabs wave the stinging tentacles in defense against predators.  The image was shot in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.  Other winners, listed by category, include:

1st   Vickie Coker, Austin, Texas
2nd  Michael Rosenfeld, Stamford, Connecticut
3rd  Judy Townsend, Boca Raton, Florida

Fish or Marine Animal Portrait
1st   Steven Kovacs, Clewiston, Florida
2nd  Jerry Kane, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
3rd  Steven Binke, Mooroobool, Australia

1st  Evan D’Alessandro, Miami, Florida
2nd  Alessio Viora, Borgomanero, Italy
3rd  Thomas Carey, Kailua-Kona , Hawaii


1st  Neil Hammerschlag, Miami, Florida
2nd  Evan D’Alessandro, Miami, Florida
3rd  Neil Hammerschlag, Miami, Florida
To see all of the winning photos, please visit http://rsmas.miami.edu/support/advancement/uw-2009/uw-2009-winners.html


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