DPG is a comprehensive underwater photography website and community for underwater photographers. Learn underwater photography techniques for popular digital cameras and specialized professional underwater equipment (wide angle, macro, super macro, lighting and work flow). Read latest news, explore travel destinations for underwater photography. Galleries of professional and amateur underwater photography including wrecks, coral reefs, undersea creatures, fashion and surfing photography.
Dive Photo Guide

January 2012 Photo Contest

“Over Unders” is the theme for the January 2012  Monthly Contest. Split shots are unique to underwater photography, and while they can be tricky, they are stunning when they come together. 


Enter your best over under shots for the chance to win a very special prize and the glory that accompanies winning a DPG monthly contest. The prize for the January 2012 contest is a pair of  Doug Sloss’ DVDs, “Photoshop CS4 and Lightroom 3 for the Underwater Photographer,” valued at $200!

Entering is easy: use our simple image uploading system to enter an image or select a picture from one of your existing DPG galleries. You can enter up to three images per contest; and best of all, it’s totally FREE! Click here for a full set of rules and guidelines.

The deadline for entering this month’s contest is January 31. So let’s see what you got!


More Information about the "Lightroom and Photoshop for the Underwater Photographer" Series:




Photoshop CS4 For the Underwater Photographer

"Featuring over 10 hours of easy to follow video instruction, “Photoshop CS4 for the Underwater Photographer” guides viewers through the essential and advanced Photoshop techniques used to produce stunning underwater imagery. You’ll learn the “correct way of doing things” and master the secrets savvy Photoshop users employ to produce professional results. Packed with informative step by step lessons taught using “real life examples,” this DVD covers everything from the Camera Raw interface to advanced topics like underwater HDR photography." 


Lightroom 3 For the Underwater Photographer

Lightroom 3 for the Underwater Photographer features over 10 hours of in-depth video tutorials, covering Lightroom's entire workflow from downloading images, to editing and showcasing them. Geared specifically toward the underwater photographer, the movies offer a complete workflow solution to help you efficiently manage your ever-growing photo library and handle your post production work too.

Topics include core management strategies, setting up and managing travel catalogs, effective keywording tactics, practical use of Collections, and of course detailed lessons regarding develop edits so you get the most out of your underwater and topside exposures. You'll also learn the right way to integrate Photoshop and other third-party software like Photomatix Pro into your workflow, link your finished work to social media sites like Facebook and Flickr and professionally showcase your best shots using slideshows, custom web galleries and the Print module.

From start to finish, Lightroom 3 for the Underwater Photographer will make your experience with Lightroom enjoyable and will teach you quick and efficient workflow strategies so you spend less time at the computer and more time underwater taking pictures.


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